
Thursday, June 13, 2013

What Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?

Structure of the Talk

-What Is MRI?
 -How Does MRI Work?
-What should ı do to preapere for MRI?
-What does an MRI machine look like?
-benefits of MRI
-Risks of MRI
-After the MRI Scan
-Specialized varieties of MRI
-MRI, MRA - High Field, Short Bore
-Functional magnetic resonance imaging

                                              MRI SCANS

      MRI is short name for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. it's a procedure used in hospitals to scan patients and determine the severity of certain injuries. An MRI machine uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed visuals of the our body.

      An MRI is able to provide visuals that give information that previous scanning science.For example: X-ray, computed tomography(CT) and ultrasound cannot.

What should I do to prepare for an MRI?

There's little to no preparation recommended before getting an MRI,as you first arrive at the hospital, the doctors will ask you to change into a gown. You will also be asked to remove all accessories like; credit cards,jewelry and any metallic things. To draw a conclusion for this is because MRIs involve magnets, which may interact with objects in your possession. This in turn may lead to bad results and/or poor image quality.

What does an MRI machine look like?
         Many MRI machines resemble a long tube, with a large magnet present in the circular area. When beginning the process of taking an MRI, the patient is laid down on a list. Then in relation to where the MRI needs to be taken, the technician slides a coil to the specific area being imaged. The coil is the included in the machine that obtains the MR signal.
Is an MRI gonna Difficult?
You have not need to worry. The exam is a painless procedure that is noninvasive, meaning that the body is not tampered with in any way. Since humans are not able to feel any type of radio waves, patients wont feel a thing. A loud tapping noise will be experienced, however, as the magnets are turned on and off throughout the exam.  If you think the noise will irritate you, just ask the technician for a pair of earplugs to drown out the noise.

Unlike CT scanning or general x-ray studiesno 
ionizing radiation is involved  with an MRI.

How long does the MRI test?
žThe exam itself takes about 30 - 45 minutes. However, this may vary in close correlation with the number of body parts being examined.

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